GMPA: Global Migration Policy Associates

Migration Topics

GMPA Activities and Services

GMPA conduct activities and provide expertise in cooperation with governments, international bodies, social partners and civil society.
Main areas of services include:


2024 - Current Activity  - What we’re working on now:








  • Lead trainer at Inter-Ministerial Workshop on Migration Policy Development for Afghan government officials, Kabul, 22-24 November 2015 (Organized by ICMPD)
  • Speaker trainer at the 4th Silk Routes Training On Migration And Development, Dhaka, Bangladesh, 11-13 November 2015. Briefing Note: Migration –21st Century Key To Economic Success And Social Well-Being: An Agenda For Governance
  • Lead expert for Inter-ministerial Workshop and afternoon seminar: The Migration & Development debate at regional and global level for Turkish government officials at the Directorate General for Migration Management, Ankara, 7-8 October  (organized by ICMPD).
  • Session presentations by trainer Patrick Taran
  • Participation in the 133rd IPU–InterParliamentary Union Assembly , Geneva 18-21 October with a migration information stand; launch of IPU-ILO-OHCHR Handbook (co-authored by Patrick Taran); preparation of briefing papers for Assembly delegates; etc (See Events page)
  • Presentation of papers at the RIAC-RANEPA International Conference: Transnational Migration and Modern States in the Period of Economic Crisis” Moscow, 24-25 September 2015, by Associates Irina Ivakhnyuk, Yelena Sadovskaya, Patrick Taran.
  • Training for Iraq and KRG (Kurdish Regional Government) officials (various ministries) on migration data and international standards, Istanbul, 19-20 September (organized by ICMPD).
  • Keynote Address: Migration, the World of work, and Labour Relations (by Patrick Taran) at the 17th ILERA Congress, Capetown, South Africa 11 September 2015
  • Plenary presentation by Patrick Taran at the OSCE Alliance Against Trafficking Conference, Vienna, Austria, 6 June 2015
  • Current research on the impact of European Union asylum and migration policies on access to and protection of rights for migrants and refugees, as well as on a rights-based approach to the intersectionality between HIV and AIDS, health and migration
  • Publication by GMPA Vice President, Piyasiri Wickramasekara: "Mainstreaming Migration in Development Agendas: Assessment of South Asian Countries" (January 2015)
  • IOM-AU-ILO-UNECA Roundtable on Intraregional Migration and Labour Mobility within Africa, Kigali, Rwanda, 23-25 March 2015. Panel Presentation by Patrick Taran. 
  • Preparation of Southern African Social Protection Experts Network SASPEN Brief No. 1 Extending Social Security to Migrants in Southern Africa (published 2015)
  • Organization by GMPA of two seminar-workshops at the global Metropolis Conference on Migration in Milano, Italy, November 2015. Presentations of papers by GMPA members Olga Kadysheva, Patrick Taran, Dylan Thomas, Piyasiri Wickramasekara, Katherine Youtz (see panel agendas and links to papers in: events)
  • Organization of the session on migrant women at the Beijing + 20 European preparatory civil society conference, Geneva. (100 participants) See report on events page. Presentations by GMPA Associates Anastasia Crickley, Nunu Kidane, Patrick Taran; session co-organizing by Research Associates Dylan Thomas and Katie Youtz.
  • Keynote address at the SASPEN (Southern Africa Social Protection Experts Network)-FES (Friedrich Ebert Stifting) Conference: Social Protection for Migrants in Southern Africa, Johannesburg, 29-30 October 2014.
  • Participation and presentations at African Union Labour And Social Affairs Commission Special Session and Experts Meeting, Windhoek, Namibia, 23-24 April 2014. Summary Notes: Presentation and Discussion on the AU-ILO-IOM-ECA Africa Labour Migration Governance Programme
  • Development of the AUC/ILO/IOM/ECA Joint Labour Migration Programme, adopted at the 24th Summit of the African Union in January 2015
  • Conducted comprehensive study of domestication in Nigerian national law and policy of the international conventions on migration (ICRMW, C-97, C-143); also of ILO C-181 on private employment agencies and of C-189 on decent work for domestic workers; as well as the five ECOWAS Protocols on Free Movement, Residence and Establishment 
  • Collaborative partners in organization and participants in the Beijing+20 NGO Forum on Human Rights and Migrant Women, Geneva (November 2014)
  • Organization and participation in migration roundtable at the World Public Forum, Rhodes (September 2014)
  • Participation in PGA migrant and civil society organizations conference preceding the GFMD-Global Forum on Migration and Development in Stockholm, September 2015. presentations/papers by Associates Nicola Piper, Patrick Taran.
  • Training and advisory support on the International Convention on the Rights of Migrant Workers at the European Inter-University Centre for Human Rights Conference, Venice (July 2014)
  • Preparing a global migration context overview for the African Union-covened meeting with delegates of Regional Economic Communities to develop a regional labour migration governance program (16 December 2013)
  • Compiling a global migration "context environment assessment" for the Global Coalition on Migration (GCM) meeting in Bangkok (1-2 December 2013)
  • Facilitating a consultative process initiated in mid-2013 among executives of some twenty migration-concerned civil society organizations to develop 12 principles for a rights-based, rule of law agenda on migration, governance and human rights
  • Providing training on migration and development to NGO executives and government officials in Democratic Republic of the Congo, Nigeria, Papua, New Guinea, Timor Leste and Trinidad and Tobago, in cooperation with the ILO International Training Centre in Turin under a grant from the Africa-Caribbean-Pacific (ACP) migration Project Support Unit (January to May 2013)